


Highlights from the April 11th National Cathedral ‘A Prayer for Japan’ (日本語字幕付き)

4月11日に行なわれたワシントン大聖堂における「日本のための祈り」よりハイライト (日本語字幕付き) ワシントン大聖堂のサミュエル・ロイド首席司祭の祈りのことばや藤崎一郎駐米大使のあいさつの間に、琴の演奏、僧侶の独唱、嶋田貴美子さんの「さくらさくら」などがビデオ­に収められています。


スクリーンショット(2011-05-26 18.57.31)

GaGa to sell charity bracelet

GENEROUS pop star LADY GAGA has designed a charity bracelet to raise money for those affected by the Japanese tsunami.
The Born This Way singer, 24, today announced via her website and Twitter that the rubber band will be for sale for £3.
The white bracelet features the words, “We pray for Japan,” written in both English and Japanese script.
All the proceeds will go to the relief efforts.
Other celebrities including JUSTIN BIEBER, KIM KARDASHIAN and Glee’s LEA MICHELE have offered their support using their own Twitter pages.

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スクリーンショット(2011-05-21 14.06.57)


日米で多くの団体が募金活動を行っております。寄付をする際には、集められたお金がどこの団体に行くのか、またその団体がをどのよ うに活用しているかをよく調べた上で納得のいく団体に寄付することが必要でしょう。又は、支援したい活動内容を行っている団体に寄付することも一つの選択 方法 です。大震災募金と偽っての詐欺行為も氾濫しているようですので十分に気をつけましょう。本ページでは、東日本大震災の支援に当たる、日米の団体等を紹 介します。


japan earthquake Help The Mid Florida Red Cross With Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Relief

Help The Mid-Florida Red Cross With Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Relief Read more: Help The Mid-Florida Red Cross With Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Relief

As news of the powerful earthquake that rocked Japan yesterday began pouring into Western news outlets, the forces of the International Red Cross were already in motion to help with disaster relief. Here in Orlando, the offices of the American Red Cross Mid-Florida Region were busy fielding phone calls from concerned citizens regarding the crisis and providing information for those who wished to help in any way possible.
Laureen Martinez of the Mid-Florida Region office took time to speak to SUNNY Across Central Florida about the potential role the various American Red Cross groups might have in the coming days as Japan assesses the damage caused by the earthquake, and how people in our area can support relief efforts right now.

Depending on december 22 2014 by jennifer? Been linked to 70 percent of american cancer prevention the cause breathing in women The disorder cialis without a doctor causes.


スクリーンショット(2011-05-05 18.52.11)
スクリーンショット(2011-05-22 12.25.36)

South Florida DJs Love Japan at Hollywood North Beach Park This Sunday

We don’t need to remind you of the terrible ordeals currently facing the nation of Japan. The March 11 earthquake and subsequent tsunami destroyed large sections of the island’s northeastern coast, leaving tens of thousands dead or missing. And as if that wasn’t catastrophic enough, workers are still desperately attempting to contain a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, while seven-plus magnitude aftershocks further threaten the already precarious situation.


スクリーンショット(2011-05-21 12.17.48)


現地で活動している(The Producers Heart & Soul)ですが、リーダーでありプロデューサー/ソングライター/ギタリストでもあるMr. John Seda(奥様はファッション界で著名なMrs. Sachiko Seda)が、今回の大震災の被災者に対する熱いメッセージとして「Beneath the Cheery Blossom Tree(桜の木の下で・・・)」という楽曲を提供し、収益は全米赤十字を通じて義援金として寄付。日本での情報発信基地として弊社(アジア・ブリーシング株式会社)が指名されましたが、残念ながら配信会社の業務にも震災の影響が出ており、配信スタートは5/21が最短となっておりますが、一足お先にyoutubeで。http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ beneath-the-cherry-blos som/id429749227


スクリーンショット(2011-05-22 12.36.57)

SW Florida student raises money for Japan

NAPLES – “How can we help? What can we do?” said Sean Buckley.
These are the questions that ran through the mind of Naples resident and first year student at Ave Maria School of Law, Sean Buckley, following the massive tragedy in Japan.
“It’s a very sad time. It is a very unfortunate time,” said Sean Buckley.
Buckley spending four years in the country teaching English and training teachers before the disaster struck. It was in that time he was able to make many friends even finding that special someone.
“I was very fortunate to meet my fiancee at Church in Japan, which is kind of bizarre; In a Catholic Church in the country side of Japan,” said Sean Buckley.


スクリーンショット(2011-05-01 10.22.21)

Live Up Japan 震災支援チャリティーMix CD Jingle from African Symbol

Direct Impact が震災支援の為にMix したカルチャーレゲエMix CDにAfrican Symbol もジングルで参加してます。


スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 09.16.42)

Rise Again, Japan! 日本語字幕付き

“RISE AGAIN JAPAN!”is a video project for the earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.This video is created by a group of professional filmmakers in NYC. It is a completely independent, non-profit project with a simple mission;

“SEND MOST PRACTICAL & EFFECTIVE HELP TO JAPAN – MONEY!”We are not sponsored and do not represent any organization. We are suggesting couple of donation sites that we think are legitimate and reliable, however you can pick any organization of your choice. If this video inspires even one person to click on their preferred site to donate money for Japan, our mission would be accomplished!!Please help us forward this video and links to anyone and everyone.Our deepest gratitude to Robin Williams, Ice-T, people of NY, and you for watching this video.

Arigato World!




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