

スクリーンショット(2011-05-21 14.13.42)

I Support Japan 3.11



スクリーンショット(2011-04-25 22.34.08)
スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 09.03.01)

Listen: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami PSA (Italian)

Directed by Hazuki Aikawa and Andrey Alistratov

This video was created in an attempt to raise awareness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Random people were selected to listen to sound bites that were taken from broadcasts and home videos of the tsunami. We recorded their reactions.


スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 08.56.31)

Listen: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami PSA (Dutch)

Directed by Hazuki Aikawa and Andrey Alistratov

This video was created in an attempt to raise awareness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Random people were selected to listen to sound bites that were taken from broadcasts and home videos of the tsunami. We recorded their reactions.


スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 08.53.24)

Listen: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami PSA (Spanish)

Dirigido por Hazuki Aikawa y Andrey Alistratov.

Este video fue creado con la intención de generar conciencia sobre el reciente terremoto y tsunami que arrasó Japón el 11 de Marzo de 2011. Seleccionamos personas al azar para que escucharan unos fragmentos de sonido prodecentes de noticias y videos caseros del tsunami. Nosotros grabamos sus reacciones.

Directed by Hazuki Aikawa and Andrey Alistratov.

This video was created in an attempt to raise awareness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Random people were selected to listen to sound bites that were taken from broadcasts and home videos of the tsunami. We recorded their reactions.


スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 08.50.32)

Listen: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami PSA (Portuguese)

Dirigido por Hazuki Aikawa e Andrey Alistratov.

Este video foi criado com o intuito de gerar conhecimento sobre o terremoto e o tsunami que atingiram o Japão recentemente em 11 de Março de 2011. Pessoas foram escolhidas de forma aleatória para ouvir trechos sonoros que foram tirados de programas de rádio e TV e de videos caseiros do tsunami. Nós filmamos suas reações.

Directed by Hazuki Aikawa and Andrey Alistratov.

This video was created in an attempt to raise awareness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Random people were selected to listen to sound bites that were taken from broadcasts and home videos of the tsunami. We recorded their reactions.


スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 08.46.23)

Listen: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami PSA (French)

Cette vidéo a été créee dans l’intention d’attirer une particulière attention au séisme et au tsunami qui ont frappé le Japon en date du 11 mars 2011.
Des personnes ont été choisies au hasard pour écouter ce bruit atroce provoqué par le tsunami enregistré par des médias et particuliers. Nous avons filmé leurs réactions.

Directed by Hazuki Aikawa and Andrey Alistratov.

This video was created in an attempt to raise awareness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Random people were selected to listen to sound bites that were taken from broadcasts and home videos of the tsunami. We recorded their react


スクリーンショット(2011-04-24 08.42.36)

Listen: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami PSA (German)

Dieses Video wurde gedreht um das öffentliche Interesse an dem Erdbeben und Tsunami Katastrophe in Japan am 11. März, 2011 zu erwecken.
Leute wurden sitchprobenartig ausgewählt um den Geräuschabschnitten von dem Tsunami zu lauschen. Wir haben Ihre Reaktionen aufgezeichnet.

Directed by Hazuki Aikawa and Andrey Alistratov

This video was created in an attempt to raise awareness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Random people were selected to listen to sound bites that were taken from broadcasts and home videos of the tsunami. We recorded their reactions.


スクリーンショット(2011-04-23 22.47.32)

SUM 41 / 日本へのメッセージ

SUM 41 です。日本で起きた悲劇はとても残念で心が痛みます。でも僕らは5月に日本に戻るからね。僕らは皆を元気にロックさせるために行くんだ。そう、僕らは日本を愛している。だから絶対に5月に戻るんだ、楽しみにしてる。ツアーを続けて日本に戻れるのが楽しみだよ。


スクリーンショット(2011-04-28 16.25.57)

We are with you

We are with YouのFaceBookページ。We Are With Youは、2011年3月11日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震の被災者の方へ、海外からもエールを送ることができないかと思い、ロンドンに在住する有志で立ち上げたプロジェクトです。 ストリートでの義援金のご協力を募る募金活動の他に、外国にいらっしゃる方からのエールを、写真とともに被災者の方へ届けようという企画のもと、このウェブサイトを立ち上げました。



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代表理事 石川淳哉・佐藤尚之